Monday, August 25, 2014

Following the example of Jesus Christ!

Howdy Y'all,

It sure has been an eventful week, I hope I can say all that I want to! 

I'm gonna start with the best! KAREN WAS BAPTIZED AND CONFIRMED! It was so stinking great! She was so ready and is on fire. She shared her testimony at the baptism and is was so sweet. She is going to make a huge difference in the Kearney area. The Elders are already recruiting her for team-ups and she wants everyone to feel how she does. Karen once asked what we get for getting a baptism and we told her "blessings!" and she said, "not even a Bucky Beaver badge?" So she made one for us!

I was all sorts of sick this week, it's amazing how Satan tries to do anything he can to stop the work. After zone conference on tuesday, a bunch of missionaries had some stomach issues on Wednesday (Sister Smith and I included). Then Friday I thought i was having really bad allergies but it ended up being a cold or something. I think i'm getting over it....maybe. 

Zone conference was so amazing. We are really making a push to inviting all to read from the Book of Mormon. 

*Starting today we are reading 5 pages a day until Dec 8th to read the whole thing before Christmas and I want to invite all of you to do that!*

I know the BOM is the most correct of any book on earth. The reason we read it daily is to be more converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for the many prophets and people who sacrificed that we could have this great book. 

 I love you all so much! Keep on reading :) Let me know if you'll be joining the mission to read the BOM by Dec 8th !

Sister Dumont 

Monday, August 18, 2014

400 days of.....

400 days of a mission! We've been on the mission for 400 days, can you believe that? We won't talk about how many that leaves us with...

How was y'alls week? 

This week was so....great and crazy and busy. 

So Monday night sister Smith and I get a call from the TP sisters (Sister Call and Sister Nelson) saying that they got my letter and they wanted to know when we would be at the trail center the next day with Karen. We set it all up so that Sister Call could surprise her :) Muahahaha! It was so funny because on the way to Omaha Karen said, "Last night as I was laying down I realized we should have set something up with Sister Call and have her meet us there." She tried to pick up on our facial expressions but we have such good poker faces, she couldn't :) haha 

So many miracles happened on Tuesday at the Trail Center...where do I begin? I guess with the beginning: 
1. Karen's mom came with us so that was a blast. She is the cutest, funniest thing I've ever known. 
2. We were in the front taking pictures when we first got there and guess who pulls up? Sister Case and Sister Mahlstede! I never thought I would see Sister Case again until after the mission (she is now a trail center sister, aka perfect for her!) The cool thing is that they were only there for a few minutes. Lucky Ducky
3. Karen hadn't told her mom that she was getting baptized yet and so she thought this would be a good way to "break the news to her." Half-way through the tour she got a copy of the Book of Mormon and gave it to her mom and invited her to read it. She then told her the news and her mom was so happy she high fived us :) haha I guess you could say she took it well. Nancy, her mom, had so many great questions and it was really fun teaching her about all the pioneer stuff. She is really interested in family history. 
4. As we were walking over to the pioneer cemetery a big 15 passenger van with a trailer pulled up. They had 2 bingham miner stickers on it and I immediately guessed that it was the Christensens. We walked over to the Cemetery and I kept my eye on them. As soon as I saw the mom I realized I was correct, it was them. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES? Karen reminded me that it's all Heavenly Father....duh! After we looked at the cemetery and temple we went back over to the TC and I went and found them. I only really know the twins, Emily and Elise. I found Elise and it turns out she is just going home from her mission in Kentucky. Her family had picked her up a week ago and they were heading back. Emily is on a mission in Canada. I was in the Riverton children's choir with them, we golfed together in high school, and our cousins are married. It was so cool to talk with her about her mission for a minute.

Ahhh so much to say so little time. 

Well Karen passed her baptismal interview although they played a trick on us saying she wasn't ready.....So Thursday August 21st is the big day! 

I love you all so much! This work is they work of the Lord's so we can't fail. 

Sister Dumont 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Staying in Kearney

Sister Smith and I were only slightly worried that I would get transferred but alas, I did not! 

We had another crazy busy week with another one to come. 


We had quite the adventure at Karen's this week. We went out to her house to put up corn (she wouldn't let us help). Oh the skills you learn on a mission in Nebraska! haha anyway, we were just chattin away, sharing nursing stories and such. She had received a few warnings on her phone about a thunder storm...pretty normal for these parts. Well, all of the sudden we she got a call from her neighbor asking about the storm. She hangs up the phone and tells us we have to leave. She straight up kicks us out of her house! haha How rude ;) just kidding, it was good reason because we walk outside and there was lightening going every which way!!! Driving home we prayed so hard and we were only slightly scared (maybe a little more). We made it home safe, don't worry. 

Our investigator Leslie asked the question this week about crosses and if we wear them and stuff like that. Well I don't know if my mom ever remembers me asking this question but I do. I have never forgotten the reason my mom told me. She said, "If I were to die in a car accident, you wouldn't wear a car wheel around your neck. We don't wear crosses because we remember Christ for the life he lived and his resurrection."  "Yea, and they did obey and observe to perform every word of command with exactness; yea, and even according to their faith it was done unto them; and I did remember the words which they said unto me that their mothers had taught them." 
How grateful I am for a mother who taught be in the ways of the Lord :) 

I love you all and hope you have a great week! 

Sister Dumont
I love coney dogs

Sister Muasau and both the elders left :(

Monday, August 4, 2014

Time Flies when....

I'm not sure how it's possible but it's August of 2014, if you were wondering. 

Last Monday we got to play volleyball all day again and have a bbq. I love being able to play sports :) 

On Tuesday I got to do exchanges with the one and only......SISTER CASE. I just love her! We did the most awesome service ever! It was a lot of physical labor but it was so much fun. We helped another church organization move hundreds of huge bags of clothing to one big trailer. We had to stack them and climb and throw. It was a blast! 

We may have had way to much fun....oh well "When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God" :)

Friday we had MLT (mission leadership training with district leaders) in Omaha. Our car is over miles so we drove it all the way to Omaha and got a different one. It just so happened that we got to take over the Tranquility Park sisters car which meant.....I GOT TO SEE SISTER CALL! Gaul, I miss that sister so much. I got to meet the sister she is training as well. 

"... therefore Alma did rejoice exceedingly to see his brethren; and what added more to his joy, they were still his brethren in the Lord; yea, and they had waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth; for they were men of a sound understanding and they had searched the scriptures diligently,
that they might know the word of God."

True Story! 

Also we found the Chick-Fil-a in Bellivue! That was the biggest of all tender mercies! I haven't had chick-fil-a since the airport on our way from Minnesota to Omaha when that nice pilot bought us all chicken sandwiches. I was so stinking excited. I'll have to send the video home because it's a little ridiculous :) 

Karen is as good as ever. She came to church yesterday and just LOVED fast and testimony meeting. She said we were in trouble for not telling her it was a no makeup kind of day (tears). She felt the spirit so strong. She was telling everyone she's getting baptized on the 21st! We couldn't be more excited. 

I love you all. I hope you know that I am not the same person I was a year ago and that is because of the atonement of Jesus Christ. If we let it, the Book of Mormon can allow us to have "a might change of heart." Let the spirit work in you until the perfect day when we are like our savior. 

Have a great week! 
Sister Dumont