Monday, November 18, 2013

We Have Dancing Ladies

Gaul y'all,

Time sure flies when you serve with your best friend! Seriously, Sister Case is the best! Don't mind this first little bit being about how much I love her. Also pardon the lack of photos. She takes the photos and I just get them from her so they are to come. So confession session time, Sister Case and I cry at least once a day because of how awesome our companionship is. D-day (transfers) are coming up next week (the day after thanksgiving) and we are nervous that one of us will leave so we cry daily. 

Elder Tatafu gave us a CD and on it is "When somebody loves you," the song on Toy Story 2 when Jessie sings to her friend. He said he put that on there especially for us. It is our song! Ha, Ha! We're so crazy!

Also this shout-out is actually an Anti-shout out to Weston because I haven't heard from him....ever and I thought we were best friends so.....I hope to hear from you! Here's my address:
11027 Martha Street
Omaha, NE 68144

I would love to hear from any and all of you because I love hearing how everyone is!

So this week was incredible! On Tuesday we did a lesson with the Elders at Georgettes. Elder Tatafu made fried oreos and we did the lesson on Repentance using a magic trick. One day I'll send y'all a video of it because....well you just gotta see it! GJet was freaking out trying to figure out how the trick worked and I just told her it was because she had really strong faith! haha

Wednesday was Zone training in Lincoln. Elder Cotrell is finished after this transfer so he gave his last training and it was incredible! He shared the parable of the push-up...look it up because it is a parable about the atonement. I got to say goodbye to Sister Vance for the third time (She was my STL first transfer and basically I hope to be the missionary she is one day). I apparently was really emotional because I just cried to her....why am I crying? She's the one leaving the mission and having to go back to real life. She offered a prayer for us and gave me the best counsel I have ever received.
Mom, I'm gonna have to have her come visit you when she gets home because she is awesome!

We got to do our nails with an investigator so that was awesome because we all needed it. We had dinner at the Shaw's and their daughter Evelyn (4) was telling me how she is learning all the ABCs so silly Sister Dumont said, "Well, can you say all of them?" So she says, "All of them." Such a literal little bugger! We were laughing so hard.

On Thursday we were so was awesome! So first of all, us and the elders were practicing for a performance at a lunch for the nursing home volunteers and we were just messing around with songs and we came up with a BOMB version of 'Search, Ponder, and Pray.' I promise I will send y'all videos soon of our singing. It is so much fun to be with such a musical bunch of missionaries.

Then we went to a trailer park with Brother Gaunt (87 year old). He wants to serve a mission so bad but his wife passed away a few years ago so he can't serve. Well instead, he goes "Canvasing" aka tracting by himself and invites people to church. He gives us at least 1 referral a week. Well he wanted to meet us up there so we could visit some of those referrals and go canvasing and can I just tell you how awesome that was? He is the funniest old man I have ever known. At first people weren't answering the door so he would say things like, 'if they don't answer I'm going to jump off this deck.....okay here I go!' and then he would yell, "We're just trying to save ya, open the door!" We started heading back and ran into a family he has been working with. We started talking to them (they are awesome) and then their neighbor came by so she stopped and talked to us. Sister Case went to give her a hug and she backed away scared because she thought she was going to do something to her to 'save her' haha. We asked if we could all say a prayer before we left and this lady goes and stops a car driving by and makes them come pray with us. So there's 9 of us standing in a circle ready to pray and someone goes, well we should hold we do. We straight up had a prayer circle consisting of 9 people. When we got in the car to leave we started laughing so hard! It was awesome. 

Friday we performed at a lunch for the volunteers of the Golden Living Center. Sister Case and I sang a song from EFY 2013 on the uke. In the song there is clapping in the background so Sister Case decided to try it, didn't go too well and we all just ended up laughing the last half of the song. It was okay because the audience was laughing along with us. Afterward some people came up and asked for our we're gonna have to make one. Ha, Ha! We just love singing.

Saturday we took GJet and her kids to the trail center. It was so much fun and the spirit was so strong. Then we had a movie night with Sylvia and Emily and Cree. We had dinner, made cheesecake, and watched the Testaments! It was so much fun.

Sunday was great! We sang, "Search, Ponder, and Pray" in nursery. I love this branch so much! My Spiritual thought is also a shout out to my one and only BAI BONES JR. But it applies to everyone, you just might not think it is as funny as we do: So I was reading in 2 Nephi 9:51 and it talks about how we should FEAST upon the words of Christ because those are the things that we can take with us in the next life. Then it says, "...let your soul delight in fatness," So naturally the first thing that came to my head was 'HIGH FIVE FOR FATTIES!' It is a good thing to be fat from feasting on the words of Christ so let us all become Fatties in the Word! But really! We should feast upon His word just as we feast upon real food....and for me that is a lot...................

Well, until we meet again! I love you all so much. Thank you for your prayers and love and support! Keep it coming :) This work is so amazing. Be safe and stay warm :)

Love Always,
Sister Dumont :)

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